ゲームエフェクトデザイナーのブログ | A Real-Time VFX Artist's Blog

About Making Materials on UE, Making Tools with C#, etc

英語学習を3年続けてみた所感 | My impressions after 3 years of studying English

It's been almost three years since I started studying English.

Therefore, I wrote my current impressions in this article.

これまでの経緯 | How It Goes Until Now

These articles below summarize how it goes from the beginning to the present.

This is an article when I started studying.

And then, this is an article from a year and a half after that time.

加えて、同じ時期に Discord サーバー「GDE」を開きました。
Plus, I opend the discord server GDE at the same time.

そして学習開始2年後、TOEIC オンラインテスト(本番では無い簡易版)ですが 600 になりました。学習開始時は 400 だったので、スローペースですがスコアは伸びていっています。
I got a score of 600 on the TOEIC online test, it's just a simple version, 2 years later after beginning studying English. My first score was 400, so I'm getting better, although at a slower pace.

今受けても 650 いくか分かりませんが、機会があれば受けてみたいです。
I don't know that I can get a score of 650 if I take the TOEIC now, but I want to take it when I have an opportunity.


実践したこと | Practices

About 2 years ago, since the pandemic happens, working from home has begun, and I've not almost had opportunities to see coworkers and other companies' friends, so in recent years, I haven't known how other companies in the game industry are going anymore.

I spent that amount of private time on the following.

  • Steam のゲームを英語でプレイ
    playing games in English on Steam
  • Netflix で映画・ドラマ・アニメを英語で視聴
    watching movies, TV shows and Animes in English on Netflix
  • Twitter では全て英文でツイート
    tweeting in English
    • 自作 ⇒ DeepL翻訳を参考にする ⇒ 修正 ⇒ Grammerly でチェック
      make sentences > use DeepL as a reference > improve sentences > check with Grammerly
  • YouTube の英語の動画を視聴
    watching English videos on YouTube
  • Discordサーバー「GDE」で週1回、英会話(約1時間)
    English conversations for an hour once a week on the Discord server GDE
    • 少し前から週2回に増えました
      it's been increased to twice a week for a while
  • Discordサーバー「プラなろ」で週1回、英会話(約1時間)
    English conversations for an hour once a week on the Discord server プラなろ
  • 同僚と週1でランチ時間に英会話(約1時間)
    English conversation with my co-worker for an hour during lunch once a week
  • 最近、リンゴ酸さんと時々英会話(1~2時間)
    recently, occasionally, English conversations with unpyside-san for a few hours

I haven't changed my studying stance. It's based on enjoying contents in English .

英語学習を開始してから今までで最も時間を要したコンテンツはゲームの「Danganronpa」で、プレイタイムが 328 時間、まる2ヵ月かかりました。
The most time-consuming content since I started studying English is the game "Danganronpa," which took 328 hours of playtime, and I spent two whole months on it.

Discord サーバーの「GDE」では、長らく管理人らしいことをしていませんでしたが、ましゅーずさんが運営に加わってくれてから、英会話のイベント運営がちゃんとしたものになりました(ましゅーずさんに感謝‥!)。
For a long time, I did not do much like an organizer on the "GDE" Discord server, but since Matthew(s) joined the organization, the management of the English conversation events has become more proper! Thank you, Matthew(s)-san!

On the other hand, I'm not doing anything like training at all as usual.

Therefore, my learning pace isn't getting higher. I think that's completely the reason why it's not efficient. However, thanks to that, I've been able to continue to enjoy my study, and I think the way fits me. I've tried "スタディサプリ English" and so on, but they haven't fitted me, and I've also canceled during the 7-day free trial period.

And then, I've also been enjoying games, animes, and mangas that aren't available in English, so I've not spent all of my private time to study English, but honestly, I want to enjoy those content in English, so I feel it's unfortunate.

感じていること | Feelings

I have more time for English conversation, but I still find that it's very difficult to have a real-time conversation with native speakers or people who are fluent in English because I still can't understand what they say & can't understand their words and phrases.

1センテンス話す度に「Could you repeat it?」と中断するのは申し訳ないと思ってしまいますが、繰り返し話してもらっても恐らく聞き取れず理解できず、例え「Could you type?」とお願いして文章にしてもらったとしても、理解のためには単語やフレーズを調べる必要があります。
I feel sorry for interrupting them with "Could you repeat it?" every sentence they speak, and even if they speak again, it'll often be difficult to catch and understand for me. Plus, even if I ask them "Could you type?" and they type their sentences, I often have to check the meanings of words and phrases to understand.

For the above reasons, with my current English skills, it's still difficult for me to catch up with the conversation at a good tempo, and I freeze up during the conversation without being able to react properly.

Therefore, although I feel that it's better to have a conversation with two or three people who are at the same level, I can gradually get used to speaking, but it's difficult to learn more natural expressions in conversation, so I think it's only a place to practice my daily study.

Plus, as for me, I still don't master the use of not only simple phrasal verbs but also even simple verbs, so I feel I need to continue to improve my basic skills.

Chrome の自動字幕起こし | Live Caption on Chrome

YouTubeNetflix の動画視聴や Discord でのボイスチャットは全て Google Chrome を使用し、Chrome の自動字幕起こし機能を有効にしています。
I've used Google Chrome for all watching YouTube, Netflix, and voice chat on Discord with Chrome's Live Caption feature enabled.

すると Chrome を通して流れる音声は全てテキストに起こしてくれます。
Then all the voices flowing through Chrome are transcribed into text.

I'm sure that there are more useful tools, but at this point, I'm using it.

However, the fact that captions can't be copied to the clipboard and that the text disappears after a short time is very inconvenient. Also, when multiple voices overlap or songs play, the captions will not be transcribed properly, although I don't think this can be helped.

また YouTube 動画を視聴する際、YouTube の自動字幕起こしより Chrome の自動字幕起こしの方が若干精度が良い気はしますが(しかも Chrome の方はある程度ピリオドも入れてくれるので区切りが分かりやすくなる)、それでも両方とも精度はまだ足りていないように感じます(専門用語などの固有名詞は仕方ないですが)。
When watching YouTube videos, I feel that Chrome's Live Caption is slightly more accurate than YouTube's automatic subtitling, and Chrome's function adds periods to some extent, so it makes me easier to understand the breaks of sentences. However, even so, the accuracy of both is still lacking, although it can't be helped for proper nouns such as technical terms.

それから、Netflix で元が英語ではない作品を観る場合、英語音声と英語字幕が一致しないため、視聴時に Chrome の字幕起こし機能は必須に思います。一方で本来の英語字幕の方は「別の言い回し」を学べるため、これはこれでとても勉強に良い感じです。
In addition, when watching non-English titles on Netflix, the English subtitles don't match the English voices, so I think Chrome's Live Caption is essential while watching those titles. On the other hand, the original English subtitles are very good for studying because you can learn "another expression."

I want to try the service "Otter."


犠牲にしていること | Sacrifices

恐ろしいことに、ここ3年プライベート時間で UE や各種 DCC ツールの習熟、その他仕事の調べ物などほぼできていません。成長が停滞しているように思います。
The horrifying thing is that for the past 3 years, I haven't been able to spend most of my private time learning UE, various DCC tools, and doing any other research for my work, so I feel my skills for work have stagnated.

Houdini や VFX の勉強会の開催も完全にストップしてしまいました。
I've also completely stopped holding Houdini and VFX study groups.

Twitter も英文を書く機会として利用しているのみで、ここ数年フォローしている方々のタイムラインをほとんどチェックできていません。そんな中、自分の英文に Like を付けてくださる方々にはいつも密かに嬉しく思っています。。
I've been using Twitter only as an opportunity to write in English and haven't been able to check the timelines of my followee for the past several years. I'm always secretly happy when I get followers' likes to my English tweets.

これから | From Now On

ようやく、GDC の動画を視聴する段階に来ました。やっと英語学習を仕事に活かすターンに踏み入ったということです。これまでに(これからもですが)かけた膨大な学習コストを回収していかねばと思います。
Finally, I've reached the stage of watching GDC videos. It means that I've finally stepped into the turn to utilize my English study to work. I have to recoup the huge learning cost I've spent so much.

それでも、まだまだ字幕が必須ですし DeepL で翻訳して調べながらの視聴になるので、1本の動画を観るのに何時間もかかります。
Even so, I still need subtitles, translating with DeepL, and looking up words and phrases while watching the videos, so it takes some hours.

It's a long journey, but... I hope that I will be able to watch videos smoothly in another three years. I believe that learning English will enrich the rest of my life.